Monday, December 20, 2010

It's over....... and I survived!

My first semester of college is over. I was stressed out, overworked, exhausted, and there were times I thought it would NEVER be over. It is though. Finally. I not only survived, but I worked two jobs, have a family, and still maintained a 4.0!

I am really looking forward to next semester. Matt and I are going to be in classes together and lately we have been closer than ever. A lot of people have said that they wouldn't be able to spend as much time with their husband (or wife) as we are going to spend together next semester without wanting to kill the other. I realize that some of them are likely kidding, but still, that makes me sad. Some of those people aren't joking. Some of them really do not enjoy spending time with their spouse. Matt and I love to spend time together. The more time we spend together, the closer we are. Lately we have been closer than ever and we are both very much looking forward to the time we are going to be able to spend together in the coming semester. I just can't understand marrying someone that you don't want to spend as much time with as humanly possible.

For now, I am just going to try to relax and enjoy my 'vacation' while I can. My workstudy is over until next semester. Classes (and workstudy) start again January 11th.  Until then, it's just working at the store and relaxing with the family. Well, that and hosting Christmas for nearly 20 people. That is another story though!


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