Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Surprises and registration.

I guess my interview went better than I thought. That's the first surprise. I did end up getting a promotion. Not exactly the one I applied for, but in reality this works out even better. I am a second assistant now. Basically the same thing as an assistant except that my hours of availability would prevent me from working a full shift most of the time, so I am kind of just a back up. lol So I get the perks, (a raise, the ability to do more myself instead of having to call for help and such) with very few of the headaches since there will most likely be someone else actually in charge most of the time. Works for me!

I had to take the kids to school today for registration. Another surprise there. We didn't qualify for free lunch this year. ICKY. Thankfully we do still qualify for reduced lunches, and reduced fees. I still had to hand over $52.00 today though and that was with only putting $5 in each kid's lunch account. I'm going to have to do some figuring and get some more money into those accounts quick. I also have to get Sierra a new clarinet. She has been using a school instrument, but it's not in that great of shape, and they won't fix it (I have to pay for it even though she doesn't get to keep the instrument). She's been playing with this peice of crap horn for two years now. I found a place that I can finance a new one for resonable payments. The problem is that my credit sucks, and you have to pass the credit check so now tonight I have to convince Matt to use his name to finance and to put the first payment on his card and then I can make the other 29 payments. If I can convince him to do this and I place the order tonight, she will have the horn before school starts.

I am REALLY stressing out about school. I don't know how I am going to pull all of this together. Work, school, being a wife and a mom and taking care of everything that I have to take care of. It's just stressing me out so bad. I hope I made the right choices. I hope that this all works out smoothly.


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