Friday, August 06, 2010

Maybe time for a change.

The interview at work didn't go well ate all. Before the interview was even over I had decided that I didn't want the promotion. I spent a big portion of the interview being yelled at for things that were not my responsibility (If I am not the one in charge, it's not fair to yell at me if things didn't get completed).  I was also yelled at for posting something negative on FB. All I did was say something about being glad the BS from that night was over. I will admit that I probably shouldn't have posted it, but I really didn't feel like it was that big of a deal. I mean.....everyone knows that you deal with BS anywhere you work. It's  not like I was specifically naming instances where this particular store was doing things that could be portrayed in a negative light. I could! I didn't though. Regardless, within minutes, I know that I don't want the postion. Matt Thinks I should still take it if it's offered to me though, and since I am trying to be a better, more submissive wife, I don't really have a choice but to take it. GRRRR! I was supposed to hear something today, but I they didn't call like they said they would. I'm fairly certain I didn't get it, but with a second manager quiting this weekend and a third possibly leaving..... well, it could be possible that they will offer it to me. ~sigh~

Until I have to deal with that (tomorrow) I'll just look at the positive and happy things in my life. Tonight Matt and Will are at a wrestling event in Des Moines. They have so much fun at these events, and it's fairly inexpensive, so they do them once a month on average. When they do, Sierra and I have a girls night. Tonight, we went to Subway for dinner and then we came home for movie night. We are watching Twilight and New Moon while I am teaching Sierra to crochet. I am working on spending more one on one time with her because I know that she really needs that at her age. She just turned 12 in April, and if that wasn't a hard enough age, she is so small that she looks like she is 8 or 9. I'm teaching her to crochet, to garden, to can foods from the garden, and how to cook during our one on one time. She really seems to enjoy it, and I definitely love the bonding time.

This time also gives Matt and Will time for "male bonding". There are times that I hate the bond between them. I mean.... Will is MY baby, and he's supposed to love me the most. lol At the same time, I am grateful that he has Matt to be his male role model. I know that he needs that. I just wish I was his favorite again. ~shrug~

That's all I have for now. Off to teach Sierra the next step for her crocheting project. I'm surprised how quickly she is catching on! She's making chains with no problem so next I need to teach her how to double back so that she can make a scarf with the yarn she picked out today.


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